What's going on at FUMC?  Check us out to find out ways you can get involved!

 JOHN BIBLE STUDY...The Bible Study on the Book of John has started up again!  We meet on Thursday nights, 6 pm in the Library.  Anyone is welcomed to join us!  Hope to see you there!  


200th ANNIVERSARY MEETING…Did you know that FUMC has been around for 200 years???  We are excited about that and need your help!  The next planning meeting is Sunday, Feb 2, 4 pm in the parlor.  If you would like to attend but can not make it, please let Byron or Karen Thada know.       


UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH..UWF will meet at Karen Thada’s house, noon on Tuesday, February 4.  Drinks and soup will be provided for lunch but bring your own soup bowl and a written prayer request so that we can pray for each other!  If you’d like to bring some finger food to go with the soup, that would be welcome, but certainly not required.  Co-hostess Sheri Clements will have devotions for us.  Please let Karen know if you plan to come so she can have enough chairs ready.  Call or text 765-376-1003 or email


SHARE THE LOVE…February is our 3rd annual “Share the Love” campaign to help supplement the R&R scholarship fund. This scholarship assists families experiencing financial hardship with tuition. Every week we will have an insert that includes R&R facts and parent testimonies. Currently we assist 3 families with the R&R scholarship.  We couldn’t do that without your support! Donations can be placed in the offering, mailed, or paid online at